Cartes Bancaires

Cartes Bancaires

Cartes Bancaires

Cartes Bancaires

Cartes Bancaires

With Mollie‚ you can easily and quickly accept payments through Cartes Bancaires‚ the most used payment method in France. It only takes 10 minutes to start receiving payments through Cartes Bancaires and there are no hidden fees involved‚ you only pay for successful transactions.

With Mollie‚ you can easily and quickly accept payments through Cartes Bancaires‚ the most used payment method in France. It only takes 10 minutes to start receiving payments through Cartes Bancaires and there are no hidden fees involved‚ you only pay for successful transactions.

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cartes bancaires pricing mollie

Cartes Bancaires

Cartes Bancaires Consumer

Cartes Bancaires Commercial

Frequently asked questions

What are Cartes Bancaires?

Cartes Bancaires are the most widely used payment method in France, with over 64 million cards in circulation and cards being co-branded with Visa. Like with other credit cards, customers pay for their purchases later, but the merchant doesn’t have to wait for the payment. Though payments aren’t guaranteed, the safety nets given to customers generally boost conversions. Offering the Cartes Bancaires payment method will allow you to expand your business and offer your services and products throughout France.

Cartes Bancaires processed more than 11 billion transactions in 2015 with more than 565 billion euros transacted.

How do Cartes Bancaires work?

For customers, paying with Cartes Bancaires is identical to paying with other credit cards, which means it’s very easy. Customers fill in their card details and authorise the payment. Using our Recurring API, it’s even possible to enable one-click payments, pay-in-instalments and other complicated subscription based payment schedules.

Benefits of Cartes Bancaires through Mollie

There are many benefits to accepting Cartes Bancaires through Mollie. You get all major payment methods through a single integration and our clever yet simple API makes the integration incredibly robust and built for volume. Our API and Dashboard allow for direct refunds and can export all your data to several different formats for your bookkeeper. Our pricing is very competitive, with no hidden fees at all.

Implementing Cartes Bancaires as a payment method through Mollie is easy, there’s no lengthy signup process and we have free, open-source packages and plugins available for most coding languages and e-commerce platforms, which allows for easy integration into any project. Our prices are transparent; you only pay a low fee for successful transactions. And your personal dashboard gives you crucial insights into all your transactions and statistics. Mollie is the quickest and easiest way to implement Cartes Bancaires into your checkout.

MolliePayment methodsCartes Bancaires
MolliePayment methodsCartes Bancaires